This Week at Gethsemane – June 18

Upcoming events and activities at Gethsemane United Methodist Church during Monday, June 18 – Sunday, June 24.


There are no events or activities scheduled this day.


Outreach Ministry Food Pantry

Is it not right to share your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless poor into your house. Weekly distribution of food and clothing contact Anne White for additional information. Tuesdays at 10:00am.


There are no events or activities scheduled this day.


There are no events or activities scheduled this day.


There are no events or activities scheduled this day.


There are no events or activities scheduled this day.


Graduate Sunday Celebration

All students in our Church Family, kindergarten through college, are celebrated for their academic accomplishments. High School and College Graduates will receive Special Recognition. Sunday, June 24 at 10:00am.