
Attire for service should be appropriate for public, abiding general guidelines for decent presentation and covering. Attire is not restricted to a specific theme. However, the modality of Gethsemane United Methodist Church generally ranges between dress casual and business attire. The overall attire is more relaxed and causal on youth Sundays, which occurs on every 4th Sunday of the month.

Upon arrival, you will see an array of people with excitement and anticipation to begin the worship experience. There may be gatherers in the north exit area, awaiting the service to start. There will be greeters at the sanctuary doors to provide guidance for seating and other accommodations. You are free to fellowship by greeting others and finding a comfortable space to worship in the sanctuary. If you have children, you may inquire about youth and children’s ministries with an usher for further direction.

The worship service is conducted by the Lead pastor, and/ or a presiding Lay leader, guest minister, and other participants in the call to worship and order of service. There is an outlined programme of which is typically followed to maintain the United Methodist Church order of worship, consisting of the acolyte lighting ceremony, liturgy, scripture, prayer, singing, Holy Communion (1st Sundays), an offering, and a sermon. In addition to this, there are often unique displays of worship through the worship and arts department that expresses an extended interpretation of worship and praise through song, dance, drama and other forms of expressive art.

Visitors are asked to stand by the Liturgist during the Welcome of Guest. Please feel free to share your name and anything else that might be on your heart. You are then greeted by the Gethsemane Family with a welcoming hug or handshake and a hearty “Grace and Peace”!

Every Sunday children are escorted to Children’s Church. Lessons have been planned and taught by members of the Children’s Church ministry who have completed Safe Sanctuary Policies. Parents are welcome to pick up their anytime or wait for them to be escorted back to the sanctuary before the Benediction.

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