This Week At Gethsemane -May 20th

Upcoming events and activities at Gethsemane United Methodist Church during Monday, May 20th – Sunday, May 26th.



Save the Date! Men’s Day 2019 is Sunday, June 9!!

The GMEN have started collecting for Men’s Day patron’s and advertisements. Please see Brother Donald Haynes for more information.

The GMEN are looking for Men’s Day supporters. Sign-up to submit an advertisement or become a patron.  Please see Brother Donald Hayes for more information.  The Men’s Day Choir will have their next rehearsal TOMORROW(Monday, May 20th) at 7 pm and June 3. Please contact Brother Lonnie Dumas or Brother Kyle Reeder for more information,


Community Bible Study

Tuesday, May 21, 11:00 – 1:00 p.m. at Bells UMC 6016 Allentown Rd., Camp Springs, MD. All are welcome!

Outreach Ministry Food Pantry

Is it not right to share your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless poor into your house. Weekly distribution of food and clothing contact Anne White for additional information. Tuesdays at 9:00 am to 11:30 am.

Men’s Bible Study

The Men’s Bible Study is designed so that all of the men that attend can build a stronger relationship with our Lord and Savior by growing in our faith through challenges and successes. The Men’s Bible Study challenges each other to grow in our faith by encouragement, support, and prayer. 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 7:00 pm.

Church Council Meeting

Tuesday, May 23 at 7:00 p.m.

Cottage City Community Garden Tour

Tuesday, May 21, 2019, at 6 pm
Interested in learning how gardening can be used to support healthy eating, active living, and community building? Join the Prince George’s County Food Equity Council for a tour of the Cottage City Community Garden. For more information email


Outreach Ministry Food Pantry

Is it not right to share your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless poor into your house. Weekly distribution of food and clothing contact Anne White for additional information. Wednesdays at 9:00 am to 11:30 am.

Word on Wednesday

Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. Join in for the final installment of our exciting series on Sharing Your Faith! All are welcome!


Communications Ministry Meeting

Thursday, May 23, 2019, at 7 pm
We Need YOU! Attend the Communications Ministry’s next meeting to learn how your writing, graphic design, photography, website building, and other creative talents, can be used for God’s glory!  For more information email


There are no events scheduled for this day.


There are no events scheduled for this day.


Sunday Morning Worship

Praise the Lord with us at our morning worship service! This service offers an uplifting, engaging and inspirational worship experience. Each week our pastor brings insight and perspective that causes the scriptures to come alive. Sundays at 10:00 am.


Gethsemane UMC Yesterday’s Children Senior Ministry

Come journey with Gethsemane UMC Yesterday’s Children Senior Ministry to the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Visitors Center on June 5, 2019.  Followed by Lunch, on the Choptank Riverboat.  Departing 910 Addison Rd, So., Capitol Heights, Md 20743 at 7:45 am prompt.  The cost is $70:00 Dollars.  Please contact Mrs. Rosa  White, (301-336-1219 or 301-350-0194) for further information.

Christian Education

Get Ready!  Vacation Bible School, June 24-28, 2019 is coming!  Registration forms are now available in the narthex.  Please see any member of the Christian Education Ministry if you would like to teach or volunteer to assist in VBS. For further information, please contact Sister Rutha Thompson, Christian Education, Chair,

Evangelism Ministry

SUMMER IS COMING, AN AWESOME TIME TO WEAR AND SHARE OUR FAITH!! Gethsemane T-Shirts are coming! Gethsemane T’s are limited edition and pre-order only. Prices will range from $12.50 – $17.00. Let us know that you are interested in a Gethsemane T by completing the information form in the Narthex. If you would like more information about t-shirts or the Evangelism Ministry, please contact Evangelist Sharon Stewart.


The Washington Region of the BWCUMC will hold the Lay Servant Ministries Academy, June 8-9, 2019 at the BWC Mission Center, Fulton, MD. Lay Servants, Lay Speakers, Lay Ministers, and interested church members are encouraged to register for courses for certification or recertification. Registration must be made online; go to>Events>Lay Servant Ministries Academy on or before Sunday, May 26, 2019. The class fee is $35. More information is on the glass counter in the Narthex, or you may contact Dorothy B. Stubbs.