The following article has been reposted from the United Methodist Church General Commission on Religion and Race and written by...
Church News
25 Traits of The Beloved Community
The following article has been reposted from the United Methodist Church General Commission on Religion and Race and written by...
Women Living Life through the Word
Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain; but a woman that feareth the Lord, shall be praised. Give her of...
10 Ways to Become More Faithful than Post-Racial
The following article has been reposted from the United Methodist Church General Commission on Religion and Race and written by...
A Prayer for Texas
Most Holy One, Thank you for calming the waters and bringing peace in the midst of this storm. Your word...
Encounter The Underground
Powered by Eventbrite Encounter The Underground for a new spirit worship party and space to experience God through good vibrations,...