Pre-Sunday Coordination Meeting

30 minute Conference Call/video to review a rundown of this Sunday’s upcoming worship service and discuss upcoming worship/communication events. You can join the meeting via video call by clicking on the link below OR dial in using the number and PIN. Please respond to the email or accept the invite..Thanks!Join Hangouts Numbers‎(‪US‬)‪+1 224-999-1751‬Event...

G-MEN Meeting

Gethsemane United Methodist Church, 910 Addison Rd S, Capitol Heights, MD 20743, United States

The United Methodist Men is a fellowship of men who meet regularly to provide support for each other and the church in doing God’s will in the life of the Church. We seek knowledge and discernment for being men who serve the Lord.

Sunday Worship Service

Gethsemane United Methodist Church-1-Sanctuary (500)

Join with Google Meet: Or dial: (US) +1 650-667-3903 PIN: 458295612# More phone numbers: Learn more about Meet at:

Pre-Sunday Coordination Meeting

30 minute Conference Call/video to review a rundown of this Sunday’s upcoming worship service and discuss upcoming worship/communication events. You can join the meeting via video call by clicking on the link below OR dial in using the number and PIN. Please respond to the email or accept the invite..Thanks!Join Hangouts Numbers‎(‪US‬)‪+1 224-999-1751‬Event...

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