

The Nurture Ministry is designed to provide an environment where people are supported in deepening spiritual life and connecting with one another as the Body of Christ. It provides the encouragement and nourishment that we each need to grow in our spiritual life. The Nurture Ministry includes several ministries (see below) which facilitates opportunities to grow in Christ by caring for and supporting one another within our congregation and community.

The Nurture Ministry is designed to provide an environment where people are supported in deepening spiritual life and connecting with one another as the Body of Christ. It provides the encouragement and nourishment that we each need to grow in our spiritual life. The Nurture Ministry includes several ministries (see below) which facilitates opportunities to grow in Christ by caring for and supporting one another within our congregation and community.

Contact: Jessie Alexander

The Children’s Ministry is designed to expand the minds of our children, teaching them about God and His son Jesus as it is written. They will be taught on a level of understanding with a variety of children’s bibles for all ages, biblical stories, songs and more. Come join the fun every Sunday at 10am praising the Lord!

Contact: Sharon Parquet

The Christian Education Ministry fosters and supports all of the core values as a foundation for its ministry. The primary goals that exemplify the ministry are love, discipleship and community. The Christian Education Ministry strives to increase the knowledge of the congregation for all ages and members in the surrounding community. It ensures biblical instruction and application while providing a foundation for other church ministries.

Contact: Rutha Thompson

The Membership Ministry is designed to assist the Pastor and members in record keeping and the reporting requirements. These records include the following: a permanent church register, a membership record of the faith journeys of baptized and professing members, a list of the names of professing members removed by action of the charge conference, a constituency roll, and a roll of affiliate and associate members. These records are valuable information for planning and research for the total mission and ministry of the church.

Contact: Charlie Williams and Myra Williams

The Mentoring Ministry is designed to support all congregants on their path to discipleship leading to Jesus Christ. The mission is to enhance personal, spiritual, academic and professional knowledge throughout our church community. Through mentoring, the path to discipleship is supplemented by assisting in knowing, growing and showing the love of Jesus Christ.

Contact: Jessie Alexander

The Gethsemane United Methodist GMEN is a Men’s Ministry and hood built on Christian values encouraging males of all ages to exude God’s love through our thoughts, words, and actions in our encounters with family, church and community. Our ministry encourages men to focus on spiritual development, community engagement, and church participation. The GMEN have standing monthly meetings and bible studies that are open for all to participate.

Contact: Kyle Reeder

The Gethsemane United Methodist Women is open to all Women of the Church and the Community. We follow the UMW Global Vision of “turning faith, hope and love into action” by sponsoring spiritually uplifting programs and activities and providing opportunities for fellowship and mission work throughout the year.

Contact: Veronica Bradford, President

The Yesterday’s Children is the organized Senior Ministry of Gethsemane United Methodist Church that embraces the vision, mission statement and core values of the church. The Senior Ministry is designed to serve the needs and concerns of senior adults (60+) in the congregation and in our surrounding communities. We live out the 5 Fs: Faith, Fellowship, Fitness, Food, and Fun! Our meeting time is 10:00 a.m. every 2nd Thursday of the month.

Contact: Georga Jackson Davis

“We Are Charged!” to help our friends to be disciples of Christ. By honoring God through our personal relationship through Christ, serving as peer mentors, participating in worship and other ministries. We gather for group building, worshiping, and outreach.

Our leaders are here to partner with the parents to help in building spiritual growth. We encourage our youth to excel in their education and personal development because they are the “Now generation”. So, come get charge with us!

Contact: Vonetta Garcia


The Outreach Ministry is designed to bring people to life-saving evangelism through Jesus Christ which is an essential part of our church’s mission. It is an essential act of reaching out, extending services, benefits, etc. to a wider section of the population within our Gethsemane congregation as well as our 20743 community.

The Outreach Ministry is designed to bring people to life-saving evangelism through Jesus Christ which is an essential part of our church’s mission. It is an essential act of reaching out, extending services, benefits, etc. to a wider section of the population within our Gethsemane congregation as well as our 20743 community.

Contact: Anne White

Contact: Anne White

Contact: Lucille McGinnis

Contact: Doris Powell

Contact: Charles Powell

This Ministry is a food program that is sponsored by the Catholic Charities. GUMC partners with this group to provide food to our church families as well as families in our area. Food is purchased from this agency at a very low rate. Families can buy $40-$45 worth of food for only $22! Meetings are held as needed.

Contact: Oliver Reeder

The food pantry provides free food to families in need at Gethsemane UMC as well as to families in our surrounding communities. The majority of the food given to the families is donated by the Capitol Area Food Bank and other community partners. This program is open on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 8:30am to11:30am .Meetings are held on days and times the pantry is open, as needed!

Contact: Anne White


The Witness Ministry leads our church in the scriptural commission to “go and make disciples of Jesus Christ”. The congregational and 20743 area communal needs are addressed by embracing the church’s vision, mission statement and core values. Our focused intentions are planning, developing and implementing effective, excellent, engaging, and inclusive programs in these assigned areas – Evangelism, Emergent Social Witness Ministry and Higher Education and Campus Ministry. All that we do out of our relationship with God Almighty is our witness.

The Witness Ministry leads our church in the scriptural commission to “go and make disciples of Jesus Christ”. The congregational and 20743 area communal needs are addressed by embracing the church’s vision, mission statement and core values. Our focused intentions are planning, developing and implementing effective, excellent, engaging, and inclusive programs in these assigned areas – Evangelism, Emergent Social Witness Ministry and Higher Education and Campus Ministry. All that we do out of our relationship with God Almighty is our witness.

Contact: Georga Jackson Davis

The Evangelism Ministry’s mission is to go out into the neighborhood and communities to share the Gospel. We are spirit lead and our theme scripture is Matthew 28:19 – “Go and make disciples of the world teaching them all that I have given you.” We go with zeal, love, hope and prayer . . . We go to share the story of Jesus’ DEATH, BURIAL and RESURRECTION, that they may choose Christ and be saved.

Contact: Evangelist Sharon Stewart

Contact: Dr. Shirley Newton-Guest

The Social Justice Ministries focus on advocacy and action. We utilize education and organizing to make a difference in the lives of residents in the church’s zip code and beyond. Our primary goal is to increase the capacity of church members to communicate God’s demand for justice for all. We plan and coordinate events and disseminate information to develop principled Jesus-followers (disciples). These disciples will commit to the work of empowering people to advocate for legislation that will redress inequities by providing essential services, adequate funds, and sufficient infrastructure to transform lives and promote flourishing communities.

Contact: Deacon Arthuree Wright


The ministry historically exists to minister to the congregation of Gethsemane. This ministry creates, designs, perpetuates, teaches, encourages, and leads people in worship through expressions, graphics, sound technicality, drama, poetry, music, songs, choreography, cantatas, workshops, seminars, musical productions, etc. The purpose of this ministry is to enhance the worship experience through visual, audio, sensory, spiritual excitement and fulfilment; to expand worship experiences beyond Sunday service and the ministry of Gethsemane UMC.

The ministry historically exists to minister to the congregation of Gethsemane. This ministry creates, designs, perpetuates, teaches, encourages, and leads people in worship through expressions, graphics, sound technicality, drama, poetry, music, songs, choreography, cantatas, workshops, seminars, musical productions, etc. The purpose of this ministry is to enhance the worship experience through visual, audio, sensory, spiritual excitement and fulfilment; to expand worship experiences beyond Sunday service and the ministry of Gethsemane UMC.

Contact: Min. Travis Jones; Rayla Parquet, Chelsea Guest (Worship Co-Chairs)

Contact: Minister Travis Jones

Contact: Lisa Gibson-Davis

Contact: Gail Blake

Contact: Lisa Gibson-Davis

Contact: Robin Hall



Contact: Lisa Gibson-Davis

Contact: Minister Travis Jones

Contact: Minister Travis Jones

Contacts: Chelsea Guest and Tara Samuels

Contacts: Rayla Parquet and Chelsea Guest

Contact: Rayla Parquet

Contact: Chelsea Guest

Contact: Lucille McGinnis

Contact: Shelia Chapman


The Communications Ministry is the guiding ministry responsible for developing all internal and external media and technological services for Gethsemane UMC. The purpose of the ministry to facilitate and provide effective, current, and engaging content to the GUMC Community. We achieve this mission by offering a comprehensive electronic connection, developing a wide array of print resources, a wide array of print resources and engaging key communicators. The ministry meets on the first Thursdays of the month at 7:00pm

The Communications Ministry is the guiding ministry responsible for developing all internal and external media and technological services for Gethsemane UMC. The purpose of the ministry to facilitate and provide effective, current, and engaging content to the GUMC Community. We achieve this mission by offering a comprehensive electronic connection, developing a wide array of print resources, a wide array of print resources and engaging key communicators. The ministry meets on the first Thursdays of the month at 7:00pm

Contact: Karen Thornton

​As an Audio Technician, your goal would be to produce the best possible atmosphere for worship through sound reinforcement. This includes, but is not limited to, creating the best music mix possible, creating an audio mix that meets the mood the pastor/worship leader wants to convey, and supporting the audio needs of the people involved with the church service. Ultimately, glorify God through providing excellent audio services.

Contact: Brandon Hayes

As a Church Storyteller, you will write and prepare articles about activities at Gethsemane and write stories of life-change among members of the congregation for distribution through print and online mediums. Church Storytellers have the ability to write promotional content with clarity as well as inspirational content with conviction.
Contact: Karen Thornton

As a Graphic Design Volunteer, you will have the opportunity to create print and digital materials to support the ministries of Gethsemane, including advertisements, flyers, Signage, and work with team to brainstorm special projects. Projects will vary based on availability and experience.

Contact: Karen Thornton

​As a IT Support Technician, you will perform support/resolution/escalation of IT or related technology issues and to further ministry by creating plans for improving our systems and keeping them running at their best. This position serves as a key role for maintaining internal communications platforms.

Contact: Karen Thornton

​As a Photographer/Videographer, you will capture images of the Gethsemane community in their interactions with God, to passionately and creatively communicate the vision and values of the church. Record weekly worship services and prepared edited video for digital consumption. Films major events/activities of the church, as requested. Seeks out God stories and avenues in which those may occur; work with other ministries to surface and capture compelling life-change stories.

Contact: Karen Thornton

As a Social Media, you will spread the Good news of Jesus online. You will have the opportunity to help create awareness for our church and various ministries using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media platforms to connect the community with what’s going on in and around Gethsemane. Volunteers help with developing creative messaging for posts, tweets and photographs.

Contact: Karen Thornton

​As a Website Development Volunteer, you will have the opportunity to design, program, and manage content to maintain a progressive, relevant website for Gethsemane and its ministries. This volunteer supports Gethsemane ministries by sharing the good news of the church through the digital landscape. In addition to website maintenance, this volunteer manages photo, video, and audio, digital archives; and sends e-mail blasts.

Contact: Karen Thornton


The Committee on Pastor-Parish Relations assists the Pastor and staff in setting priorities for leadership and service. Focuses on building a strong relationship among the pastor, staff and congregation. Performs annual evaluations of pastor and staff. Manages service contracts for musicians and fills church employee vacancies. The Committee meets bi-monthly beginning with the month of January.

The Board of Trustees manages the property of the Church and maintains all legal records, including wills, trusts, and insurance. Makes annual inspections and evaluates all church properties. Makes repairs as required. The Board meets quarterly, or as called by the chair, the vice-chairperson or the pastor.
Contact: Lonnie Dumas

Provides financial direction for the Church, setting and raising the budget, and managing its finances consistent with the U. M. Discipline and Accounting standards. Keeps members, the Church Council, and Conference fully informed about the finances of the Church. The Committee meets quarterly.
Contact: Olga Hayes

The Lay Leadership and Development Committee is responsible for ensuring that peoples gifts and talents are used in best alignment with the church mission and goals. Annually the committee seeks and approves nominations for all leadership positions in the church. A list of nominations is presented to our Church Council for approval. Names for the positions, as identified by the Book of Discipline, are further submitted to the Church Conference for election. The LLDC meets in July and August, in advance of the scheduled Conference. The Committee may meet weekly, or as required, in order to meet set deadlines.
Contact: Diana Haynes

The church council shall provide for planning and implementing a program of nurture, outreach, witness, and resources in the local church. It shall also provide for the administration of its organization and temporal life. It shall envision, plan, implement, and annually evaluate the mission and ministry of the church. The church council shall be amenable to and function as the administrative agency of the charge conference.
Contact: Aona Jefferson

Thank you for supporting our ministry through your purchases. Your support helps us continue our community outreach and various church activities.