Core Values
Our core values are the agreed upon principles that are the standard for setting Gethsemane’s priorities and behavior while engaged in anything ministry related. These values were developed in an intergenerational and collaborative manner.
Love for God and one another. God’s love is the foundation of our existence. We live by the command to love God and love our neighbor as we love ourselves. We understand love for one another to be a mutual affection and appreciation for one another’s personhood and sacred worth.
Respect one another and the ministry to which God has called each of us. We understand respect to be holding each other in esteem; to show regard or consideration for.
We are disciples of Jesus Christ who are always endeavoring to become better; and actively seeking to make new disciples of Jesus. We understand a disciple to be a learner and imitator of Jesus Christ.
As believers of the true and living God, we seek to honor God in multiple ways and through various expressions. We understand worship to be reverent honor and homage paid to God. The many acts of reverence offered to God.
We honor the Gethsemane community of faith that has been formed over the years. We seek to continue building and maintaining a healthy, vibrant, life-giving faith community. In addition, we embrace being an active part of our larger surrounding communities: local, national, and global.
Our Pastor
Our History
910 Addison Road South
Capitol Heights, MD 20743
Phone: 301.336.1219
Email: info@gethsemaneumc.org